Use "subjugate|subjugated|subjugates|subjugating" in a sentence

1. She draws on subterranean forces to subjugate and control.

2. He subjugated a male lion.

3. And she had thought she could subjugate him!

4. Imperialism has not been able to subjugate China.

5. We destroyed and subjugated our world.

6. The native population was subjugated and exploited.

7. He has subjugated a male lion.

8. Some were from worlds subjugated by the Empire.

9. 19 He has subjugated a male lion.

10. In 16 the Dutch subjugated the island of Java.

11. The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land.

12. The old Yankees stopped at nothing to subjugate the Irish immigrants.

13. With this the Ottomans finally subjugated and occupied Bulgaria.

14. Peter firmly subjugated the Church to the State.

15. Her personal ambitions had been subjugated to the needs of her family.

16. Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.

17. Which parts of Britain subjugated by the Roman Empire?

18. He was just temporarily subjugated by an evil force.

19. The Romans assigned Galatian King Amyntas the task of subjugating them, but he died before accomplishing it.

20. Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.

21. Hence the questions and the conclusions are as follows : Will China be subjugated?

22. An area of Thrace was subjugated and levied with severe duties.

23. Of course, conquered or subjugated peoples were frequently set to forced labor.

24. Afterwards, Hideyoshi subjugated Kii Province and conquered Shikoku under the Chōsokabe clan.

25. Chinese people do not subjugated, but it faces the danger of extinction.

26. You'd better manage to subjugate him. Otherwise it will be all over with you.

27. 9 Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.

28. As we know(, rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution.

29. He led plunder and conquest raids across Central and Southeastern Europe, subjugating most of the neighbouring tribes.

30. (Jeremiah 32:30, 35) For this and other reasons, he allowed Assyria to subjugate Israel.

31. Compulsion is the name for the art of subjugating another person's will through the use of the One Power

32. Was this a ruthless conquest wherein Israel greedily subjugated foreign countries?

33. Consumer choice will be distorted subjugated to the marketing of brands.

34. Synonyms for Browbeaten include bullied, subjugated, oppressed, downtrodden, intimidated, broken, cowed, demoralised, demoralized and frightened

35. In 1574, under the request from Pegu, Maha Thammaracha led the Siamese armies to subjugate Vientiane.

36. Her own needs had been subjugated to the needs of her family.

37. His subjects will not be stripped of their free will and subjugated by force.

38. After Adumar decided to join the New Republic, the Agonizer was ordered to subjugate the planet

39. Your humble subject, Jo Young-gyu completed the mission of subjugating the northern saveages indebted to your royal favor.

40. The war, he said, had been launched to save the Union, not to subjugate the South.

41. The answer is, No , she will not be subjugated, but will win final victory.

42. Under the industrial mode of life, humans subjugated in vast quarrelsome patriarchal nation - states.

43. Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people.” It occurs when one nation subjugates another, conquering …

44. Conqueror definition is - one who conquers : one who wins a country in war, subdues or subjugates a people, or overcomes an adversary

45. Because that power comes so naturally, the elder women may not have felt the need to subjugate men.

46. After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.

47. Like other subjugated Asian nations the Japanese were forced to sign unequal treaties with Western powers.

48. Altat subjugate, force a nation or person to his or her knees, suppress الملونين، الزنوج loving-cup harika p

49. In cases concerning children it is often necessary to subjugate justice to the adults to the interests of the children.

50. In territory subjugated by the Union Army, slavery was protected and enforced, just as it had been before the war.

51. Building further on the ancient Mayan civilizations, the Aztecans subjugated groups and created on ruling religion

52. Battened Lyrics: Goddess raped by god / Devouring our imminence / Famished for fear / We die / Sacrosanct arbiter / Subjugating the earth / Bastardizing spirituality / Demise / Consummate your

53. By 1066.gadam their land occupied and ruled by the Anglo-Saxon, to be subjugated Norman - newcomers from the Nord.

54. Anthropocentrism, or human-centeredness, is a belief system that privileges humans and functions to maintain the superiority of human existence by marginalizing and subjugating anything nonhuman (Plumwood, 1993, 2002).

55. I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we've looted and the people we've subjugated.

56. Aunty Uju begins the novel as Ifemelu’s mentor but shifts to a cautionary figure due to her willingness to subjugate herself for the promise of comfort

57. 6 He was correct in so far as our forebears were piteously shattered but quite wrong in thinking that they could be subjugated.

58. The Bashkirs are linguistically closely related to the Kazan Tatars and were subjugated by Russia together with them in the 16th century .

59. A contemporary report by Priscus has that Hunnish was spoken alongside Gothic and the languages of other tribes subjugated by the Huns.

60. The Crimean Khanate became a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire in 1475 and subjugated what remained of the Great Horde by 1502.

61. The military) which control first by violence and second by ideology, he argues Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA), like schools, control the conditions of production through subjugating individuals to the ruling-class ideologies.

62. This fact is evident from the adoption of the title "Germanicus" by Marcus Aurelius, and the minting of coins with the inscription "Germania capta" ("subjugated Germania").

63. I have a human body and I vowed allegiance to humanity’s prosperity and well being.) Under Arachnidans, females ruled society and males were subjugated.

64. An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-15, it was subjugated by the Dutch in 16

65. During the Dutch colonial administration, ethnic-Chinese were encouraged to assume an economic "compradore" (middleman) role between the Dutch authorities and the subjugated indigenous populations.

66. Rabbi Yose said, If they are subjugated more than one thousand years, it is not because of the King's decree, but rather because they do not wish to return before Him .

67. Bicultural Commission described Biculturalism as “the ambition of establishing Māori and Pākehā as groups of equal standing rather than one being subjugated by the dominance of the other” (1985, p

68. Definition of Conquistador The word conquistador comes from Spanish and means "he who conquers." The Conquistadors were those men who took up arms to conquer, subjugate, and convert native populations in the New World. Who Were the Conquistadors?

69. Are we encouraging our adversaries to Islamize Sweden, which in the long run, might result in the abolition of freedom of religion, forcing Jews and Christians to live as dhimmis [subjugated citizens] in humiliation?

70. With the ending of matriarchy and the establishment of man's dominance in the society, women's role, known as the "second sex", changed from the ruler of society into the subjugated object of men.

71. 13 With the ending of matriarchy and the establishment of man's dominance in the society, women's role, known as the "second sex", changed from the ruler of society into the subjugated object of men.

72. The area of modern Croatia comprised two Roman provinces, Pannonia and Dalmatia.After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th Century A.D., the area was subjugated by the Ostrogoths for 50 years, before being incorporated into the Byzantine Empire.

73. The Assyrians were Semitic people living in the northern reaches of Mesopotamia; they have a long history in the area, but for most of that history they are subjugated to the more powerful kingdoms and peoples to the south.

74. ‘The excavated area open to the public covers the forum, dated to the Augustan period.’ ‘Hence by the Augustan period the term murmillo replaced the old term samnis, designating a people south of Rome who had long since been subjugated by the Romans and absorbed into their culture.’

75. Assubjugate to subjugate ASSURANCE deed of assurance ASSURED betrothed ATOMY an atom Used in contempt of a small person ATONE to put people at one, to reconcile to agree ATTACH to seize, lay hold on ATTASKED taken to task, reprehended ATTENT attentive ATTORNEY to employ as an agent To perform by an agent AUDACIOUS

76. ‘They Cower in fear and are thus powerless, because somebody who feels fear is easily controlled, intimidated and subjugated.’ ‘Joel yelled, making Lacey Cower in fear of his sudden burst of anger.’ ‘So now I have stacks and racks of digital video tape and I Cower in fear of the editing process.’

77. ‘They Cower in fear and are thus powerless, because somebody who feels fear is easily controlled, intimidated and subjugated.’ ‘Joel yelled, making Lacey Cower in fear of his sudden burst of anger.’ ‘So now I have stacks and racks of digital video tape and I Cower in fear of the editing process.’